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Know, control, protect your data. Now.

About ALTR

With ALTR you can automatically discover and classify sensitive data with a checkbox on import. Add controls like data masking with a drop-down menu. Set alerts and limits on data access by user, amount, and IP address from a single screen. Get going in less than an hour with no-code, no contracts, no cost, no hassle.


ALTR and OneTrust

By combining OneTrust with ALTR, organizations can simplify their data governance programs through an integration that automates away the gap between governance policy creation and security enforcement. 


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Developed by OneTrust

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Data Discovery & Security


Integrate your Elastic Search instance with OneTrust Modules to scan for PII, classify your data, and house it in Data Discovery and Data Mapping.

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Privacy Management


EvidentID and OneTrust Privacy Rights Automation integrate to verify the identity of consumer rights request creators, enabling the processing of DSARs.

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Third-Party Risk

Black Kite

Integrating OneTrust and BlackKite helps organizations streamline third-party risk assessments while gaining more visibility over technical, financial, and compliance risks.

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Data Discovery & Security

Apache Hive

When you integrate OneTrust with Apache Hive you will be able to classify data based on privacy sensitivity and discover PII.

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Consent & Preferences


If you are looking for a powerful solution for privacy compliance and a seamless user experience, then the integration between Auth0 and OneTrust can help.

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Data Discovery & Security

IBM Security

The IBM Security and OneTrust integration allows organizations to discover and classify data, and then use OneTrust to map that data to privacy regulations.

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Privacy Management

Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services

OneTrust's integration with Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services SAML 2.0 SSO ensures all access is controlled using existing corporate user credentials.

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Data Discovery & Security

Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery and OneTrust integrate to discover, classify, govern, and maintain an evergreen data map for petabytes of data using ANSI SQL and machine learning capabilities.

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Consent & Preferences


By integrating Acxiom with OneTrust, you can create personalized marketing experiences while managing data privacy risks and complying with regulations.

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Consent & Preferences


ForgeRock Customer Identity Access Management and OneTrust enable personalized experiences by collecting, storing, and using consent and preference data.

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Data Discovery & Security

Apache Kafka

Integrate Apache Kafka with OneTrust Data Discovery and Data Mapping Automation.

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Privacy Management


Experian and OneTrust integrate to verify consumer identity, process Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs), and comply with global privacy regulations like CCPA and GDPR.

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Technology Risk & Compliance


OneTrust integrates with Symantec now part of Broadcom to sync assets between OneTrust and Broadcom and conduct data mapping assessments on IT assets. 

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Privacy Management

Microsoft Azure Active Directory

OneTrust's integration with Azure Active Directory SAML 2.0 SSO provides single sign-on and user provisioning for improved security and efficiency.

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Data Discovery & Security

Amazon Dynamo DB

Integrate OneTrust with your Amazon DynamoDB Security, IT, and DevOps resources using HTTP Event Collector (HEC) to build and scale your applications.

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Consent & Preferences

SAP Gigya

SAP Gigya and OneTrust provide businesses with a solution for customer identity and access management, consent management, and marketing segmentation.

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Third-Party Risk


The integration between BitSight and OneTrust Third-Party Risk is a powerful tool that can help organizations to manage third-party risk and to protect their data.

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Privacy Management


The integration of Okta and OneTrust combines identity and privacy management to provide users with a more secure and personalized experience.

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Data Discovery & Security

Amazon RDS

Integrate your Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance with OneTrust Data Discovery and Data Mapping Automation to discover and classify PII data.

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Privacy Management

LexisNexis Risk Solutions

The integration with LexisNexis Risk Solutions and OneTrust can help complete consumer requests requirements under the CCPA and other state privacy laws.

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Technology Risk & Compliance

ISS Corporate Solutions

ISS Corporate Solutions provides cyber risk management solutions that help organizations understand their own cyber resilience and the security posture of their vendors.

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Consent & Preferences


OneLogin and OneTrust Consent and Preference Management integrate to provide a more personalized and secure user real-time experience.

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Technology Risk & Compliance


Splunk and OneTrust can be integrated to provide a comprehensive view of cyber risk for organizations while analyzing data in a centralized location.

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Consent & Preferences

Ping Identity

Ping Identity and OneTrust integrate to help organizations capture consent and preferences, automate privacy compliance, and deliver relevant experiences.

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Data Discovery & Security

Amazon Redshift

Integrating OneTrust Data Discovery with Amazon Redshift helps businesses discover, classify, govern data, and comply with privacy regulations.

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Consent & Preferences


Integrate OneTrust with Tenable to leverage vulnerability management, web application scanning, container security, and MSSP, while reducing risk exposure.

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Data Discovery & Security

Amazon Athena

Learn how you can integrate OneTrust Data Discovery and Data Mapping Automation with Amazon Athena to analyze large-scale datasets in Amazon S3.

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Third-Party Risk


RiskRecon integrates with OneTrust to provide organizations with cybersecurity scores and more, which can be pulled on a scheduled basis.

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Data Discovery & Security

Apache Cassandra

Learn how to discover PII and classify data by integrating Apache Cassandra with OneTrust Data Discovery and Data Mapping Automation.

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Third-Party Due Diligence

Recorded Future

Stay up-to-date on the latest threat intelligence about your organizations third-party vendors by integrating OneTrust with Recorded Future.

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Data Discovery & Security

Amazon S3

Integrate your Amazon S3 instance with OneTrust to service Data Subject Access Requests to help users comply with global privacy regulations such as CCPA or GDPR. 

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Consent & Preferences

Saviynt Security Manager

By integrating OneTrust with Saviynt Security Manager, organizations can gain a better understanding of their data and take steps to protect it.

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Data Discovery & Security


Snowflake and OneTrust can be integrated to help organizations provide a comprehensive solution for privacy, security, and governance of data.

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Third-Party Risk


UpGuard and OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management integrate so organizations have a comprehensive view of third-party risk to help prevent data breaches.

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Privacy Management


Ingest OneTrust data into Tableau for customized dashboards and analytics to drive insight into the privacy program’s activity and create custom reports.

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Supplier Sustainability & Responsibility

Supply Wisdom

By using Supply Wisdom and OneTrust together, organizations can get a comprehensive view of third-party risk and take proactive steps to mitigate it.

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Data Discovery & Security

Microsoft Azure Databricks

Integrating Microsoft Azure Databricks and OneTrust enables users to comply with privacy regulations by automating the discovery, classification, and access to data.

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Third-Party Risk

Valence Security

Valence Security and OneTrust have partnered to create a seamless integration between SSPM and TPRM, bridging the gap between risk managers and security analysts.

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Data Discovery & Security

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

By leveraging OneTrust DataDiscovery, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage customers can discover, classify, and govern data within Microsoft Azure Blog Storage.

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